Billing & payments

Home / Billing & payments

Mode of payments

  • CASH
  • Debit card
  • Credit card
  • Cheques are not accepted

OPD payments

Before or after you consultation and vaccination you will be directed towards cash counter and you have to make payment there.

CASH PAYMENTS for Hospitalized patients of short stay (2-3 days)

You are requested to pay some advance and final payment can be made at the time of discharge

CASHLESS & CORPORATE for Hospitalized patients

  • Corporate department will send your bills to your insurance companies and payment depends upon the approval from your insurance companies
  • For densed approval and other cost you have pay from your pocket

CASH PAYMENTS for ICU / long stay

  • ICU payments depends upon the condition of the baby, You are advised to deposit advance amount at the time of admission as per hospital policy
  • Counselor will keep you update about the estimate expenses and payment is to be made accordingly, depositing extra amount is advisable which can be adjusted from final bill
  • Medicine bill will be given to you daily and payment of the medicine bills is to be made daily.
  • Final payment or adjustment will be done at the time of discharge
  • All the payments is to be made at cash counter located at ground floor


  • Corporate department will send your bills to your insurance companies and payment depends upon the approval from your insurance companies
  • For denial approval and other cost you have pay from your pockets

Final bill and estimate bill

FOR IPD PATIENT: Every second day estimate bill is provided to you

FOR ICU PATIENT: Every second day estimate bill is provided to you and medicine bills will be provided to you daily

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