Tag: <span>Tips for Parents</span>

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Baby Bottle Hygiene: Sterilization Tips and Best Practices

Baby Bottle Hygiene: Sterilization Tips and Best Practices

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Kunal Garg MBBS, MD Paediatrics, Fellowship in IAP- Neonatology Table of Contents: Introduction Methods of Sterilization Electric Steam Sterilizing Microwave Sterilizing Cold-water Sterilizing Pre-Sterilization Cleaning Additional Tips Conclusion Introduction The health and safety of your baby are paramount, and one of the key practices to ensure this is by maintaining impeccable...

November 24, 2023November 24, 2023by
How to trim Newborn Nails.?: Tools, Step-by-Step Guide to Safe Nail Trimming

How to trim Newborn Nails.?: Tools, Step-by-Step Guide to Safe Nail Trimming

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Kunal Garg MBBS, MD Paediatrics, Fellowship in IAP- Neonatology Table of Contents: Introduction What is the Apgar Score? How is the Score Calculated? Interpreting the Score When is the Score Taken? Why is it Important? Conclusion FAQs Introduction  The birth of a child is a momentous occasion, filled with both joy...

November 24, 2023November 24, 2023by
Understanding the Apgar Score: What It Means for Your Newborn ?

Understanding the Apgar Score: What It Means for Your Newborn ?

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Kunal Garg MBBS, MD Paediatrics, Fellowship in IAP- Neonatology Table of Contents: Introduction What is the Apgar Score? How is the Score Calculated? Interpreting the Score When is the Score Taken? Why is it Important? Conclusion FAQs Introduction  The birth of a child is a momentous occasion, filled with both joy...

November 23, 2023November 23, 2023by
Toilet/Potty Training for Toddlers: When & How to Start?

Toilet/Potty Training for Toddlers: When & How to Start?

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Vivek Walia MBBD, MD(Pediatrics) Table of Contents: Introduction Benefit 1: Muscle Strengthening Benefit 2: Motor Skills Development Benefit 3: Cognitive Growth Benefit 4: Preventing Flat Head Syndrome Benefit 5: Vision Improvement Benefit 6: Coordination Benefit 7: Gas Relief Benefit 8: Exploration and Interaction Benefit 9: Breathing control Benefit 10: Preparation for...

November 23, 2023November 23, 2023by

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