Category: <span>Blog</span>


Iron Iron Iron – to make your child healthy and intelligent

Iron is an essential nutrient for making hemoglobin, a key component of red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body. When our bodies don’t get enough iron, red blood cells can’t be produced adequately, and our tissues and organs will not get enough oxygen — all necessary for age-appropriate growth and development. If a baby...

January 2, 2017December 19, 2023by

Choose your Paediatrician with care

The pediatrics and neonatal wing of a hospital are not just about handling complications but ensuring that the newly born child is in the safest possible hands that are not his or her mother’s. Trained in special caring and nurturing treatment of infants, the pediatrics nurses and neonatal experts also prevent any circumstance that may...

August 10, 2016May 12, 2023by

Protect your child from Diarrhoea on the World ORS Day – 29th July

ORS has been described as potentially the most important medical advance of 20th century, the day is all about spreading awareness regarding the solution that is a proven cost-effective medicine for diarrhoea. Children should never be given any tablets, antibiotics or other medicines unless prescribed by a trained health care provider; instead they should be...

July 29, 2016December 19, 2023by

How to Console a Crying Infant

To a mother who has known her baby’s rhythms since it was a fetus, nothing is a mystery. She will know what’s in the child’s heart and mind just with a glance. But a newborn baby still needs more attention, for it is still unaware of what is happening around him, even unacquainted to happiness,...

July 26, 2016December 11, 2023by

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