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Essential Elements of the Diet after Caesarean Delivery

Essential Elements of the Diet after Caesarean Delivery

Good nutrition is extremely crucial for a speedy healing after having a caesarean delivery as the body requires a lot of energy. It is important that you keep following all the good food habits that you had during pregnancy. Foods rich in vitamin C, iron, and protein are quite necessary for help the body heal...

November 13, 2017December 19, 2023by

My water broke when I was in my office!

On Tuesday, the 7th, I was in my office. By closing hours, that is around 6.15pm or so, I felt the kind of wetness we feel during our period. It increased on my way and I felt a gush of water. My water had broken and I was not prepared for anything of this kind....

November 10, 2017November 10, 2017by

‘Miracles do happen’: A mother shares her NICU success story

While sharing her story mother Umangpreet, who delivered baby Viha at Motherhood Chaitanya Hospital, prematurely shared her emotions when her baby had to be admitted to the NICU due to weight issues. She said: “My daughter was in NICU for 51 days and received good treatment. She came home healthy; thanks to the Motherhood Chaitanya...

October 13, 2017October 13, 2017by


If you find out that you are expecting more than one baby and are feeling overwhelmed, give yourself time to get used to this news. Prenatal care Twin pregnancies are followed with extra care. It is a higher risk pregnancy, with higher rates of low birth weight and preterm birth. For the mother there are...

February 9, 2017December 19, 2023by

बच्चों की टॉयलेट ट्रेनिंग | शिशु को दें टॉयलेट ट्रेनिंग

बच्चो को टॉयलेट ट्रेनिंग समय पर देना बहुत जरूरी है, क्योंकि समय के साथ बच्चे  इस आदत को पूरी तरह से अपना लेते  है1  तो आईये टॉयलेट ट्रेनिंग के बारे में कुछ महत्यपूर्ण बातें जानते है 1 कब आप अपने बच्चे के लिए टॉयलेट ट्रेनिंग शुरू कर सकते है? 18 – 24 महीने टॉयलेट ट्रेनिंग...

January 5, 2017December 19, 2023by
बच्चो का देर बाद बोलना – एक चिंता का विषय

बच्चो का देर बाद बोलना – एक चिंता का विषय

बच्चो का देर बाद बोलना शुरू करना भी एक चिंता का विषय है।  बच्चे की मासूम बातचीत को सुनने से ज्यादा रोमांचक और कुछ नहीं हो सकता। पर कई बार ऐसा होता है कुछ बच्चे तय समय के बाद भी बोलना शुरू नहीं करते हैं। आपका बच्चा जिस उम्र में बोलना शुरू करता है वो...

December 28, 2016December 19, 2023by

Prevention of Dengue Fever

Prevention of Dengue Fever is easy, cheap and better. What is required are some simple measures for – Preventing breeding of Aedes mosquitoes Protection from Aedes mosquitoes’ bites. For protection against mosquitoes Mosquitoes breed only in water sources such as stagnant water in drains and ditches, room air coolers, broken bottles, old discarded tyres, containers...

September 7, 2016December 19, 2023by
Skin and Cord care of your newborn

Skin and Cord care of your newborn

You’ve survived 9 months of pregnancy. You’ve made it through the excitement of labor and delivery, and now you’re ready to head home and begin life with your baby. But it is at this stage you realize that you have so many doubts as how to go about it. Here is a guide on how...

September 4, 2016December 19, 2023by

Common Problems associated with breastfeeding with solutions

Problem 1: Latching pain It’s normal for your nipples to feel sore when you first start to breastfeed, especially if you’re a first-timer. But if baby has latched and the pain lasts longer than a minute , check the positioning. Solution: Try to achieve an asymmetrical latch where baby’s mouth covers more of the areola...

August 3, 2016December 9, 2023by

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