Category: <span>Blog</span>

Signs Not To Ignore of Preterm Labor!

Signs Not To Ignore of Preterm Labor!

Preterm labor can happen at any time once your fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb. Now, there are a lot of complications with preterm labor, and you should always turn to your gynecologist in Chandigarh for further help. You can give birth at 38 weeks or a week before that too. The proper...

March 1, 2018December 19, 2023by
Risks of Blood Clots During Pregnancy

Risks of Blood Clots During Pregnancy

Expecting mothers have 3 times more chances of suffering from blood clotting than usual women. Although they may affect only 1 or 2 mothers out of 1000, yet it still is a problem to your health. Due to hormonal changes, you can get blood clots easily. Types of blood clots are found while pregnancy: –...

February 26, 2018December 19, 2023by
What Are The Stages of Childbirth?

What Are The Stages of Childbirth?

Eager to know what actually happens in a delivery room? Well, your first step should be getting prepared for it, making your bag and finding the best delivery hospitals in your area. Things like contractions, nervousness, water breaking, and dilation are well-known signs of labor. Make sure you are prepared to go to the hospital...

February 23, 2018July 19, 2022by
Colour Blindness in Toddlers!

Colour Blindness in Toddlers!

Colour blindness is a vision problem where you are unable to recognize certain colours. It is caused by an inherited fault in development of one or more colour sensing cones of the three sets in the eye. Sometimes, newly born kids suffer from colour blindness. The main symptom of colour blindness in kids is the...

February 19, 2018December 19, 2023by
PCOS And Fertility : What You Need To Know!

PCOS And Fertility : What You Need To Know!

It is known that polycystic ovarian syndrome can be the cause of having troubles in conceivingin many women. However, it is also known that not all women suffering from this health problem will have infertility. They will be able to fall pregnant and have a healthy child too. When a woman suffers from PCOS, it...

February 17, 2018December 19, 2023by
Are Ovulation And Sugar Related?

Are Ovulation And Sugar Related?

If you are going through problems in getting pregnant, you are probably wondering if your sugar intake is affecting it. Let’s discuss a few ways how sugar is related to ovulation, and excessive consumption of it can be risky to fertility. 1. Hormones – Sugar has a large impact on your hormones. Your body will...

February 14, 2018December 19, 2023by


IVF: Success Tips Are you considering in vitro fertilization (IVF) to get pregnant? We offer some tips to help you and your partner relax during the IVF process and maximize your chances of getting pregnant. IVF Success Tip #1: Don’t wait until it’s too late. Age affects fertility. Some experts estimate that as many as 1...

February 12, 2018December 19, 2023by
Factors that can affect fertility!

Factors that can affect fertility!

What are the factors that can affect Fertility? It is said that about 20% women suffer from the problem of infertility and have troubles in becoming pregnant. There are several lifestyle habits that can contribute to this health hazard, and the rest are simply hereditary reasons. If you are having a tough time getting pregnant,...

February 12, 2018November 28, 2023by
Things to expect when you have a premature baby!

Things to expect when you have a premature baby!

A premature baby is when he or she is born a month or two before 37 weeks. It is quite common to have a premature infant, but there are complications too. Many times, you are given a due date, and you could deliver before or later than that. You can talk to a child specialist...

February 9, 2018December 19, 2023by
यूरिन रोकना कैसे बन जाता है जानलेवा खतरा।

यूरिन रोकना कैसे बन जाता है जानलेवा खतरा।

आज व्यस्तता भरे जीवन मे हम कही न कही अपने ऊपर ध्यान देना कम कर देते हैं। जिससे लाखों तरह की बीमारियां हमे घेर लेती हैं।आज लगभग 40% महिलाओं और 50% पुरुषों को उनके पूरे जीवनकाल में यूरिन इंफेक्शन होता हैं। खासतौर पर बच्चों की तुलना में वयस्कों में यूरिन इंफेक्शन अधिक पाया जाता हैं।...

February 5, 2018February 13, 2023by

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