Category: <span>Blog</span>

How To Bring in Protein in Your Baby’s Diet?

How To Bring in Protein in Your Baby’s Diet?

The first time you baby has solid food; it is a big moment for the entire family. Many babies love having mashed potatoes or peas with other vegetables. But a good diet charted by a child specialist in Chandigarh should have a good amount of protein. How do you bring in protein in their diet?...

January 29, 2018December 19, 2023by
Myths About PCOD Debunked!

Myths About PCOD Debunked!

Did you recently find out that you have polycystic ovary disorder? Well, it is a condition that puts you through several health issues. If you are unaware of PCOD treatment in Chandigarh and how it is caused, etc., you automatically would turn to the internet. But, there are countless misconceptions over the web which we...

January 29, 2018October 26, 2022by
Is it Normal To Fall Asleep While You Are Breastfeeding?

Is it Normal To Fall Asleep While You Are Breastfeeding?

One of the most beautiful experiences of motherhood is breastfeeding your little one. We do understand the feeling of holding your baby in your arm close to you and nourishing them. But the same precious moment can be dangerous for your baby. Shocked? Yes. It is unsafe for your baby if you fall asleep while...

January 22, 2018December 11, 2023by
Why Do Babies Smile?

Why Do Babies Smile?

How and why does an infant smile is an extremely gripping subject, both socially and academically? Research suggests that after six months, the smile can be as social as it is emotional. Smiling can be the gateway to how we begin to communicate with the world rather than expressing our inner world. An infant’s smile...

January 17, 2018December 19, 2023by
Do’s And Don’ts of Pregnancy

Do’s And Don’ts of Pregnancy

Before your delivery of your tiny bundle of joy, you will have to take the responsibility of helping him/her grow in your uterus by providing a healthy and nurturing environment. In order to do so, here is an exclusive list containing the dos and don’ts of pregnancy. Taking Multivitamin Consuming a balanced diet will provide...

January 15, 2018December 19, 2023by
What Are Birth Defects?

What Are Birth Defects?

A birth defect is considered to be a problem that occurs when the fetus is developing inside the mother’s womb. About 1 in every 33 infants is known to suffer from birth defects in the United States. Birth defects can be severe or minor in nature. They might affect organ function, appearance, mental development, or...

January 12, 2018January 12, 2018by
What To Know About PCOS?

What To Know About PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common hormonal problem that occurs in women. PCOS can prolong menstrual periods and even increase the androgen levels in the body. When people suffer from PCOS,their ovaries can develop many small collections, which can fail to release the eggs causing infertility problems. What are the symptoms? PCOS treatment in Chandigarh...

January 10, 2018December 11, 2023by
आईवीएफ तकनीक से गूंजतीं हैं किलकारियां

आईवीएफ तकनीक से गूंजतीं हैं किलकारियां

दुनिया भर में 15 फीसदी दंपतियों को आती है संतानोत्‍पत्ति में परेशानी। आईवीएफ से हजारों घरों में किलकारी गूंज उठी है। आईवीएफ की सफलता की दर होती है काफी अधिक। उर्वरण विधि पूरी होने के बाद तैयार भ्रूण को इनक्युबेटर में रखा जाता है। दुनियाभर में 15 प्रतिशत से अधिक दम्पतियों को गर्भधारण में अड़चनें...

January 8, 2018December 19, 2023by
जुड़वा गर्भावस्था में स्वस्थ रहने के तरीके

जुड़वा गर्भावस्था में स्वस्थ रहने के तरीके

जुड़वा गर्भावस्था के दौरान सक्रिय रहें। डॉक्टर की सलाह अनुसार ही चलें। पेट के बढ़ते साइज को देख चिंता ग्रस्त ना हो। जरूरत पड़ने पर मदद लेने से ना कतराएं।जुड़वां गर्भावस्था के दौरान महिलाओं को थोड़ा ज्यादा सतर्क रहने की जरूरत होती है। इस दौरान उन पर दो नहीं तीन लोगों की जिम्‍मेदारी होती है।...

January 5, 2018December 19, 2023by
What You Should Know About NICU

What You Should Know About NICU

The neonatal intensive care unit, also called the NICU, is an essential unit for infants. Premature babies and other infants born with sicknesses can often be kept in NICU for extensive care. When a child has anemia, breathing problems, apnea, feeding issues, hypoglycemia, sepsis and other health problems that need monitoring, you will be asked...

January 3, 2018December 19, 2023by

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