Category: <span>OBS and Gynae</span>

All that you need to know about Fetal Medicine

All that you need to know about Fetal Medicine

Are you expecting a child anytime soon? Have you run into certain complications with your pregnancy? Well, worry not, pregnancy complications are handled and taken care of very well these days thanks to the various fetal medicines that are available. All you have to do is consult the best gynecologist in Chandigarh and make sure...

April 20, 2017April 20, 2017by
High BP: A cause for concern during pregnancy

High BP: A cause for concern during pregnancy

Pregnancy is never easy and it just gets tougher if you are not careful. Many women generally suffer from blood pressure problems after they deliver children or are close to menopause. But when you have high blood pressure constantly during pregnancy, you should be cautious. Needless to say, that any time in your life when...

April 13, 2017December 19, 2023by
Postpartum Infections

Postpartum Infections

Is it a baby boy or a baby girl? How will the room décor be? With the joy gushing in along with all your anticipations during pregnancy and post child birth, do not miss out on the care you need to take of yourself as nursing mothers are prone to a number of post-partum infections....

April 6, 2017December 19, 2023by


Cervical cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in women in both rural and urban India. India contributes to over 25% of the disease burden and more than 26% of the deaths due to cervical cancer worldwide. More than 75% of the cases presenting in the late stage of the disease renders poor prospects...

March 30, 2017December 19, 2023by
Spotting and bleeding during pregnancy: When to worry?

Spotting and bleeding during pregnancy: When to worry?

It is not always that bleeding can mean that something is wrong, actually most pregnant women will experience spotting during their first trimester. Once they move into the next trimester, the spotting is not too much. If you are worried about it, you should talk to a pregnancy specialist doctor to get support. Is spotting...

March 23, 2017December 19, 2023by
Can I get pregnant if I have PCOS?

Can I get pregnant if I have PCOS?

If you have any questions or doubts regarding pregnancy, you can easily find out good gynaecologist in Chandigarh. Many women have a question if they can get pregnant if they have PCOS. Well, before we reach out to the answer, let us know what it really is. What is it? In the case of PCOS,...

March 20, 2017December 19, 2023by
Pre-eclampsia: Is it just a pregnancy symptom or something more?

Pre-eclampsia: Is it just a pregnancy symptom or something more?

Pregnancy is the most crucial time period in every woman’s life. One must be completely aware about all the complications of pregnancy beforehand. While there can be many complications that can arise during the months of pregnancy, there is one common complication called preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is caused due to improper growth and development of placenta....

March 16, 2017March 16, 2017by
लेबर पेन

लेबर पेन

माँ  बनना  हर   महिला  के  लिए  एक  अलग  ही  अनुभव  होता  है | एक  बच्चे  को  जन्म  देने  के  अनुभव  के  लिए माँ  पुरे  9 महीने  इन्तेजार  करती  है| बच्चे  के  आने  की  ख़ुशी   से  ना  केवल  माँ  बल्कि  पूरा   परिवार  ख़ुशी   के  माहौल  में  डूब  जाता  है| और  ऐसा  हो  भी  क्यों  ना |...

March 15, 2017December 19, 2023by
Infections that can Affect Pregnancy!

Infections that can Affect Pregnancy!

It is not fun to be sick at all, and when it comes to pregnancy, you should be careful about falling ill. Few small errors or carelessness during this time can affect your baby’s health more than your own. You are already immune to several contagious diseases, but virus and bacteria can enter your body...

March 6, 2017March 6, 2017by
The ultimate pregnancy to-do list: First trimester

The ultimate pregnancy to-do list: First trimester

The moment you realize that you have conceived is the most beautiful of all. At that very point, you are already parent inside your head. All those baby dreams and fears start to bother you. Nobody wants to ruin this sweet journey. Generally, first trimester is the most critical and has to be spent carefully....

March 2, 2017March 2, 2017by

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