When should I worry if my child is late for gross activities like sitting/standing/walking.

When should I worry if my child is late for gross activities like sitting/standing/walking.

As you watch your child grow and anticipate his milestones by gross activities , it’s natural to wonder whether his development is on track.

Developmental delay is a  term used when a child doesn’t reach developmental milestones within the broad range of what’s considered normal. The delay might be in one or more areas: Gross motor skills such as sitting up and fine motor skills such as grasping and manipulating objects, communication and language skills (both understanding language and speaking), self-help skills (like toilet training and dressing), and social skills (such as making eye contact and playing with others).

Various studies have reported that 10 to 15 percent of children under the age of 3 had a developmental delay, such as difficulty learning, communicating, playing, or performing physical activities or practical skills, and early intervention can make a huge difference for many children with developmental delays,

It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the normal timeline for development milestones, so you can use it as a general guideline.

The following are red flags in motor development which needs evaluation.

Milestone Normal age range for achieving Abnormal if delayed beyond
Rolling over 2-4.5months 7 months
Sits alone 5-8 months 10 months
Stands with support 5-10months 12 months
Stand alone 9.5-14months 14months
Walks alone 11-14.5months 18months

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