Sun protection for babies

Sun protection for babies

We have all heard advices from people to always keep an SPF cream in hand that works good. A baby’s skin is photosensitive which means it can be damaged due to the sunlight. Sunburns can cause fever and allergies on babies’ skin plus it can be quite difficult to treat it. If you are taking your child out in the sun for some time, you need to have all these things in hand.

1. SPF – You can talk to the best child specialist in order to get some suggestions on a safe and effective SPF cream that is made for babies. You can just apply it over their face, hands, legs and any other exposed area before heading out. Make this a habit as the UV rays can damage your child’s developing skin.

2. Cover them up – When taking them out, you can make them wear cotton clothing but make sure it is full sleeves, they have knee high socks if wearing shorts, they have a cap on and their strollers have a cover up option. This is basically when the stroller will have an addition shed which you can pull in front during the summer time.

3. Keep them hydrated – Any pediatrician in Chandigarh will advise you to keep your child hydrated when going in the sun. Make sure they have water and eat something before heading out. Keep their bottle in a heavy-duty bag so the water doesn’t get too hot. You can store it in a flask too if wanted.

What else to do?

The best thing is that when you go out and you take them in a car, first make sure the car is cooled off before you bring your baby. Their body is sensitive at the moment and hot temperature can make them ill quickly. You can also take them to a place where there is air-conditioning so that they do not feel too hot and disturbed in the heat outside.

Lastly, take advice from a child specialist in Chandigarh on how you can keep them hydrated on fluids. Protect your baby from the harsh sun in these right ways.

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